30 March 2006

Are we nearly there yet?

Today, Chris, Phil and I went up to an annual conference which was being held in the East Midlands. It isn't far as the crow flies but it seemed to take an unnecessarily long time to get there.

The day was part presentations, part networking and it was useful to catch up with people that we hadn't seen for a while. Better, we got a strong lead for the financial package that we are currently promoting and that alone could make the day very worthwhile indeed.

As a team, we have a pretty high profile in the network since we were very active in promoting a sales pipeline management package last year which meant that we have made presentations to many of the people that we saw today.

On the way back, I showed my age by having a power nap in the back seat while Chris and Phil talked business opportunities with a guy who was travelling with us. I dropped off to sleep as they began to discuss a particular opportunity and when I woke up I was able to rejoin the same conversation (about the same opportunity). Talking about these things as a team is hugely helpful - we tend to interpret situations slightly differently so an idea can get a thorough road test if we take the job seriously. That all meant that the return journey seemed considerably shorter than its morning counterpart.


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