08 February 2007

Money makes the world go around

At the end of December I posted about some difficulties that my wife was experiencing in getting a new tax disc for her car. Those tax discs have never arrived, so if they were sent then they have been delivered into someone else's hands.

Yesterday I realised that my son had bought his car almost two months ago and I didn't recall him getting his copy of the vehicle registration document. I left him a message on his phone. He telephoned the Vehicle Licensing Centre to find that the registered keeper of his car is someone else. The agent at the Vehicle Licensing Centre couldn't / wouldn't reveal the name of the currently registered keeper (the Data Protection Act once again) but gave good advice on how he could get the vehicle properly registered in his own name.

He is being treated as if he has lost the log book - a log book that he has never had. There is a charge for the replacement of the 'lost' log book - although I'm struggling to see how my son is responsible for the charge since he has never had the log book to misplace.



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