06 May 2006

[Customer] service ...

I posted a little earlier today about Pingomatic, a service which I normally access through Feedburner. Pingomatic seems to have gone AWOL.

Today's Saturday, and I don't pay anything for the Feedburner service but Rick Klau the VP of Business Development at Feedburner and Chris Frye in Feeburner Support both sent me emails today about the problem that I was experiencing. Normally I would describe this as a high level of customer support, but a customer (in my eyes at least) is normally defined by some kind of commercial relationship.

Rick and Chris obviously don't think the same way I do, so they don't seem to find it odd that they were doing this on a Saturday for someone who isn't a customer. So guys - the only way I can really pay you back is to go for the unsolicited testimonial, and here it is:

"Feedburner has saved me hours in helping me to manage my subscribers and publicise my blog. Not only that, their customer service has been amazing - I would recommend their service to any blogger".


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