20 May 2006

When would you like them delivered?

The headline is partly a joke. The language used is called the assumptive sell - you use it in sales copy or during a presentation to condition the buyer to think about owning the product.

The manufactured staple I was talking about a few days ago was cotton. The products are Egyptian cotton towels. I had seen samples, but yesterday I got the full customer experience - unwrapping a courier pack delivered to my home.

I had forgotten the quality. They have excellent weight, drape and softness and the embroidered version looks very luxurious. We now have to create a site which conveys that quality to visitors.

That means the photography will have to be very artful. Towelling is difficult to photograph well (and photos of towelling are often dross) - it's a deeply textured surface and it shows best in angled light which creates shadow. Trainer tip: if you intend to prepare a new towel for photography, wash it in a low temperature wash and then tumble dry it. After that you are on your own, but remember the amount of visual dross out there.

Now our wives have seen the towels they are keen to talk about the pricing and the various offers we had considered putting on the site. The great news is that they believe in the product. Last night my wife and I went out to a party and she excelled herself - identifying people there she thought might be interested in the towels and winning several requests to see samples.


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