07 July 2006

We've got this site, doctor

It's an eCommerce site which sells Egyptian Cotton towels. The click-through rate is over 7.5% which probably isn't enormous to some of you, but it seems respectable to us. Total ROI is highly positive as well, but the total number of Google searches against our 15 keywords is currently 10 per day in the UK. You can see that we specialise in the arcane and the unusual.

We use PPC advertising very carefully - we try to pre-qualify our visitors before they come to the site. We know that we can increase click through rates very sharply, but there isn't much point if visitors don't buy from our primary or secondary sales process. We will be extending the number of keywords which the ad runs against. If we get the wording right, we should still pre-qualify hard, so we aren't expecting visitors to the site to balloon, but we are expecting a steady increase in volume.

Now, if I could pre-qualify some of Linkie Winkie's traffic ...


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