13 October 2006

Where are we now?

When you create a site that is intended to sell, you begin by working with AdWords because they offer a speed, flexibility and precision of targeting that is difficult to match using other approaches.

That said, organic search is the thing that everyone really wants. Eyeball tracking studies indicate that many searchers don't look at the right hand side of the page so many potential searchers may not find you, unless you can get yourself positioned on the left hand side of the page.

So here are some results for individualchampagne.com:

3 word search term
Yahoo 3 [Google top 100 overlap 22]
Google - not found in first 1000

2 word search term
Yahoo - 7 [Google top 100 overlap 10]
MSN - 13
Google - not found in first 1000

2 word search term
Yahoo - 1 [Google top 100 overlap 23]
MSN - 1
Google - 1

These aren't search terms without any competition - one of them returns 10.3 million pages in Google. Our problem is that we still have some work to do on Google, particularly since we are invisible for 2 of the 3 search terms that I have mentioned here.

What is interesting about these results is how little overlap there is between Yahoo and Google on some of these searches. For example, the search term champagne has only 19 sites which are shown in both the Yahoo and Google top 100. I'll need to repeat this analysis regularly to see what changes - fortunately I'll be able to do that without investing much time - I got these results in a few seconds using the Yahoo and Google scraper at Google Watch.

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