30 October 2006

Our site and sitemeter

Chris has been doing some work on redrafting the language that we use on our primary B2B site. We have a 3 element strapline and that scores a top 5 for each of the elements either on their own or in combination on Google. Our problem is that most people come to the site after some form of Business Development related search - that's a highly competitive search term with plenty of sites viying for attention. The 2 word search Business Development returns approximately 273 million pages. Interestingly, Chris discovered that we had left an error in the current site text so either our readers are just as poor at copy editing as we obviously are, or maybe they were so alienated by the mistake that we never heard from them again.

After having had to spoof my address to get into Sitemeter last week, I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find that things are now back to normal.




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